
Efficient cookers in Uganda

Our contribution in Uganda

As the Koczwara company, we are supporting an exciting project in Uganda in collaboration with ClimatePartner. Conventional and inefficient cookstoves are being replaced by efficient ones, thus making a sustainable contribution to environmental protection and improving living conditions in Uganda. Another aim of the project is to reduce fuel consumption, improve the health of the Ugandan population and reduce deforestation in the country. In Uganda, more than 90 per cent of households use firewood or charcoal for cooking. This practice leads to alarming deforestation, which is devastating for the environment and people alike. By distributing improved cookstoves, we can bring about positive change: According to the WHO, around a third of the world's population relies on unsafe and environmentally harmful cooking methods. These include cooking over open fires and the use of environmentally harmful fuels such as coal or paraffin. Our improved cooking stoves offer a solution to this problem by utilising heat energy more efficiently. They are able to reduce fuel consumption by up to 70 per cent, which not only leads to significant savings in CO2 emissions, but also significantly reduces the pressure on local forests as less firewood needs to be used. 

Our goals

Our climate protection project focuses on the distribution of high-quality metal or clay stoves to households, small businesses and municipal facilities in Uganda. However, the positive effects go far beyond CO2 reduction. Local people benefit from improved indoor air quality, which in turn reduces respiratory diseases and improves their health. In addition, families save time and money because they need less fuel. These changes have a significant impact on people's daily lives and well-being. We are proud to be involved in this important project through Climatepartner and to make a positive contribution to climate protection and sustainable development in Uganda. By reducing deforestation, lowering fuel consumption and improving people's health, we are working towards a more sustainable and liveable future. We firmly believe that each of us can make a difference. By contributing to climate protection projects, we want to inspire and show that it is possible to bring about positive change even in the most remote parts of the world. In the future, we will support more projects that protect our environment and improve people's quality of life.