
For more social sustainability

Social sustainability

The concept of sustainability is often presented as a three-pillar model that encompasses ecological, economic and social aspects. Social sustainability is an important pillar and deals with the question of how a society must be organised in such a way that all people can participate equally and the needs of all members of society are taken into account. 

Social sustainability refers to the creation of social, political and economic structures that promote the well-being of people and enable them to live together in harmony. This includes issues such as education, health, labour, housing, equality and cultural diversity. An important aspect of social sustainability is to ensure that all members of society have access to resources and opportunities. This means that the education system must be designed in such a way that all people have the same opportunities to receive a good education, regardless of their social background or financial circumstances. Similarly, jobs must be created that are fairly paid and offer a safe and healthy working environment. Social sustainability also means that the needs of disadvantaged and marginalised groups must be taken into account.

Our claim

At JANGAL, we aim to implement social sustainability in all areas of our business. We firmly believe that a sustainable future involves not only protecting the environment, but also promoting social wellbeing. We are committed to ensuring that all members of our society have equal opportunities and access to resources, regardless of their background or position. Creating a diverse working environment is a key aspect of our social sustainability endeavours. We are committed to fair working conditions and promote a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. We endeavour to create a corporate culture in which every individual is respected, valued and treated as an equal. We are also committed to education and further training. We firmly believe that education is a fundamental right for all people and that it forms the basis for individual fulfilment and social progress. This is why we support educational initiatives and are committed to ensuring access to high-quality education for all.

Our sustainability strategy

We attach great importance to ensuring that our business activities have a positive impact on the community. We work closely with local partners to promote projects and initiatives that strengthen social wellbeing and offer support to disadvantaged groups. We want to actively contribute to reducing social inequalities and building a fairer society. 
Through our holistic sustainability strategy, we integrate ecological, economic and social aspects into all our business decisions. We endeavour to create long-term, sustainable solutions that benefit both people and the environment. We firmly believe that true sustainability can only be achieved if we also promote social justice and build an inclusive society. 
With our products, we not only want to offer aesthetic and functional solutions, but also make a positive contribution to social sustainability. Because we believe that every company has a responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone.